Liberty Utilities - Natural Gas
Emergencies 855-644-8134
Doniphan Water, Trash & Sewer System
573 - 996 - 7312
Public Water District #1
573 - 996 - 3323
Public Water District #2
573 - 996 - 7714
Windstream Communications
"Windstream brings it home with telephone, broadband, and digital TV Service"
1 - 800 - 843 - 9214 (Business)
1 - 800 - 347 - 1991 (Residential)
Boycom Cable
1 - 800 - 890 - 6620
1 - 573 - 686 - 9101
Ozark Border Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 400
3281 Westwood
Poplar Bluff, MO 63902
573 - 996 - 3195 (Doniphan number)
1 - 800 - 392 - 0567 After Hours and Weekend Dial
Internet Connections
PO Box 190
1877 N. Westwood
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
573 - 686 - 9114 or Toll Free 1-877-686-9114
Windstream Communications
800-843-9214 (Business)
800-347-1991 (Residential)
1413 Hillcrest Plaza
Doniphan, MO 63935
Phone: 573-351-1370
Visit Website